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You can be calm
Your kids can be calm
We guarantee it
Get the Calm Parenting Toolkit
Put your kids on the road to success
Take the first step
Click to Take the Step
You can be calm
Your kids can be calm
We guarantee it
Get the Calm Parenting Toolkit
Put your kids on the road to success
Take the first step
Click to Take the Step


Parenting Tips from the Blog

sad and upset woman deep in thought

How Faith Impacts Parenting: Finding Hope, Peace, and Connection

Parenting is not about achieving perfection—it is about progressing together as a family. When we approach parenting with faith, we invite God to be an active participant in our journey. Faith transforms our perspective, strengthens
real people: smiling caucasian mother daughter hugging head shou

Tell Your Teens a Truth They’ve Been Waiting to Hear

By Nicholeen Peck   Parenting teens can be an adventure filled with laughter and challenges, but it can also feel like a never-ending emotional marathon. Why are the teen years so hard for parents and

The Contagious Cycle of Thankfulness

By Nicholeen Peck   Challenges happen to us all. But as Russell M. Nelson said, “Success has less to do with the circumstances of your life, and more to do with the focus of your

Get the New Audiobook!

We’ve been working on this for years, so we’re so excited to share this with you! Learn the communication skills and universal principles needed to teach children to govern themselves. With the proper family environment and understanding of childhood behaviors, homes can become happier. 

The mission of Teaching Self-Government is to free families around the world from the emotional bondage that breaks family bonds, isolates family members, causes stress and frustration, increases anxiety and lack of understanding, and decreases familial happiness and unified purpose. This book is now fully ready to be the key ingredient to that journey toward family freedom and unity.

Grab Your Toolkit and Prepare to Be Calm

View the introduction, then watch the rest of this FREE parenting course by clicking below.


Come and Experience...

  • Exactly What Effective Parenting Looks and Feels Like
  • Empowering Tools And Skills for Effective Family Problem Solving
  • Empowered Communication
  • Stronger Family Relationships
  • Confident Parenting
  • Lasting Relationships with Like-Minded Participants
  • Increased Family Joy
  • The Secret to Having Your Children Raising Superb Grandchildren

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